Same-day complete surgical clearances with our physicians, lab work, electrocardiogram, and x-rays.
A pre-operative evaluation's main purpose is to identify and improve factors that increase pre-operative morbidity and mortality. We provide a complete surgical clearance which includes:
An evaluation with our physician
Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)
Lab work
You can book an appointment to get all the tests and work you need to do in one day at our facility. Results usually take 24-48 hours, depending on the test requested. Results are then sent to your physician for further evaluation and next steps.
During your evaluation you will be asked about the following:
Age, height, and weight: The number of co-morbidities increases with age, and the mortality rate for most surgical treatments rises linearly.
Your history and family’s history of:
Heart diseases, Blood clotting, bleeding disorders.
Pulmonary diseases or issues (asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, shortness of breath, cough. etc.)
Chest pain or tightness.
Seizures, blackouts, weakness, or numbness in the extremities.
Hypertension or hypotension.
Liver diseases, kidney problems, jaundice, or hepatitis.
Gastrointestinal problems or indigestion.
Thyroid problems.
Arthritis or joint pain.
Allergies to food or medication.
Any medications you are currently taking, including over-the-counter (OTC) medications and steroidal compounds.
Any previous surgeries or anesthesia.
Current pregnancy state.
Past problems with a surgery due to anesthesia.
Your exercise and mobility routine.
Your smoke and alcohol habits.